woman holding her dog in austin texas

Same Day Veterinary Appointments

Austin, TX

Urgent Pet Care in Austin, Texas

When your pet faces a sudden illness or injury, every moment counts. Honnas Veterinary, nestled in the vibrant community of Austin, Texas, offers superior urgent pet care services designed to address the most critical health issues. Led by Dr. Cheri Honnas, our clinic’s unique combination of expertise, empathy, and advanced medical technology provides a safe haven for pets in emergencies.

cat on the lap of woman during urgent pet situation in autin texas

What Conditions Are Considered Emergencies For Pets?

Pet emergencies can range from the obvious to the subtle. Critical conditions needing urgent vet intervention include traumatic injuries, severe vomiting or diarrhea, sudden collapse or paralysis, extreme lethargy, and any signs of significant discomfort or distress. Quick action in these situations can make a significant difference in outcomes.

How Do I Know If My Pet Needs Urgent Care

At Honnas Veterinary, we frequently encounter and treat a variety of symptoms that necessitate urgent care. Below are common signs that indicate your pet should be seen immediately:

  • Difficulty Breathing: Trouble breathing, excessive panting, or signs of choking require immediate attention.
  • Severe Injury: Bleeding, suspected fractures, or trauma from accidents need urgent care.
  • Persistent Vomiting or Diarrhea: Repeated episodes, especially with blood, indicate a serious issue.
  • Inability to Urinate or Defecate: Signs of pain or difficulty in these activities suggest a blockage or severe issue.
  • Seizures: Immediate attention is needed for any seizure, especially if new or in clusters.
  • Unexplained Lethargy or Weakness: A sudden lack of energy or weakness can be a sign of serious health problems.
  • Refusal to Eat or Drink: Not eating or drinking for more than a day signals a problem.
  • Swollen Abdomen: A hard or swollen abdomen can be life-threatening, such as bloat.
  • Eye Injuries: Due to the risk of rapid deterioration, any eye injury is an emergency.
  • Extreme Pain: Signs like crying out, shaking, or reluctance to move require immediate veterinary care.

These symptoms can indicate a serious condition that necessitates immediate attention from an urgent care veterinarian. Always err on the side of caution; if you’re unsure, it’s best to consult with a professional like those at Honnas Veterinary for timely advice and treatment.

Why Choose Honnas Veterinary? 

At Honnas Veterinary, we believe in being your pet’s steady care in life’s hustle. We’re not just an urgent care vet clinic—we’re your partner in ensuring the health and well-being of your furry family members. With a commitment to transparency, education, and compassion, our clinic stands out as a leading provider of urgent care for cats and urgent care for dogs in Austin, Texas.

  • Extended Hours: Understanding the unpredictable nature of emergencies, we offer extended hours to ensure we’re available when your pet needs us the most.
  • Comprehensive Care with a Personal Touch: Our approach to urgent care for dogs, cats, and other pets combines professional expertise with genuine empathy. Dr. Cheri Honnas and our team treat each patient as if they were their own, providing a comforting presence alongside expert medical care.
  • Advanced Emergency Treatments: Equipped to handle all levels of urgent animal care, our clinic offers state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment options to address urgent health issues swiftly and effectively.

What Can An Urgent Vet Help With?

Our urgent veterinarians at Honnas Veterinary specialize in a full spectrum of emergency care vet services. Whether it’s an accident, a severe allergic reaction, urgent medical conditions, or life-saving surgeries, our team stands ready. We provide immediate assessments, critical care treatments, and continuous monitoring to safeguard your pet’s health during their most vulnerable moments.

doc with male owner comforting the pet during an animal emergency in austin texas

Explore Our Services with a Personal Touch – Book Your Appointment!!

Whether it’s for a routine check-up or urgent care, our wide range of services is tailored to your pet’s unique needs. Secure an appointment now and let us provide the exceptional care your pet deserves.

Explore Our Services with a Personal
Touch – Book Your Appointment!!

Whether it’s for a routine check-up or urgent care, our wide range of services is tailored to your pet’s unique needs. Secure an appointment now and let us provide the exceptional care your pet deserves.
woman touching cats nose during pet emergency in austin texas

Ready When You Need Us!

In the face of a pet emergency, knowing where to turn can make all the difference. Honnas Veterinary is here to provide immediate, expert care for your pet’s most urgent needs. From urgent dog care to emergency procedures for all kinds of pets, we offer the comprehensive support and treatment your pet requires during critical times.

If you’re in Austin and facing a pet emergency, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We encourage you to save our contact information and remember that when it comes to urgent pet care, Honnas Veterinary is your trusted ally. Schedule an appointment or consultation today to learn more about how we can support the health and happiness of your pet.